RIM Doesn't Want to Talk to Analysts Until After BB10 Launch

Research In Motion has decided to postpone its annual analysts' briefing until after it launches its forthcoming BlackBerry 10 platform. RIM typically briefs analysts at its yearly BlackBerry World event, which often takes place in May. "We decided to make BlackBerry World more focused on customers, developers and partners," RIM spokeswoman Tenille Kennedy said to Reuters. "We will hold a separate session targeted at the interests of the investment community later this year, once BlackBerry 10 is launched." RIM originally planned to launch BB10 and BB10 handsets in the early months of 2012, but has since said the devices won't reach the market until closer to the end of 2012. RIM has seen its share of the smartphone market erode in recent years to rivals Apple and Google. Its stock has lost significant value in the last year. BlackBerry 10 is its next-generation platform that is based in part on QNX, PlayBook OS, and BlackBerry 7.

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