The StoreDot's charger will charge the smartphone in 30 seconds

Soon you may solve the eternal problem of poorly charged battery in our smartphone. Company StoreDot developed a charger that will charge an electronic device in 30 seconds. And this in a safe way for your smartphone !
At this time, the company has developed a prototype StoreDot charger, which allows 30 seconds to charge the battery placed in Samsungu Galaxy S3 / 4 Foreign media claim that this is the S4, but it is very likely that this is the model of S3. Of course, full and in a safe manner. Currently, the size of the gadget does not belong to the smallest, but the staff StoreDot ensure that they are preparing more reasonable size charger. The equipment is to be used for all electronic devices, not only for Samsung products, but now the Korean manufacturer is the most serious test in progress.
Price is not to exceed $ 30. Mass production will begin, according to the initial assumptions, in 2016.

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