Motorola presents the Moto 360 SmartWatch Android

Motorola switched SmartWatch Moto 360 in the series Android Wear. The device was prepared in collaboration with Google.
Motorola Moto X stands out above all a round shield, in spite of many square smartwatchom. The company reports that its production of high-quality materials were used to obtain the desired elegance. Motorola boasts that "Moto 360 is all you need, with the appearance you desire."
Watch responds to the password OK Google, supports notification of calls, messages, calendar and social networking sites. We will know, of course, who is calling or sending e-mail, when we have the next meeting or how has changed the status of our friend on social networking sites.
SmartWatch Moto 360 will be available in different versions all over the world. The first will be the U.S. market.

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Some info about Motorola Moto G

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