Pope Francis is a programmer now

Who knows, maybe he will become a hacker and will one day hack into Satan's database? For now, though, Pope Francis has just begun his journey of learning how to program. He is the first pope to do so, too, but that is not a huge surprise; Francis is perhaps the most modern of all the popes in the history. Still, it is impressing, especially considering that the man is 82 years old now. Francis' line of code has been added to the app promoting ONZ's long-term Sustainable Development Goals program. For those of you who do not believe it - and who knows Italian - this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgbOkMWK6hk&feature=youtu.be) will be a proof of Pope's programming abilities.

By the way, a little tidbit: it is two years now that Pope has had an Instagram profile.

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