Hurray, yet another smartphone went up in flames

A new day, a new smartphone fire. This time a little tragedy has struck an iPhone Xs Max and its owner, one Josh Hillard, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Hillard has reportedly been carrying his smartphone in his pocket when he suddenly felt an unpleasant scent coming out of it. He removed the quickly overheating device, which soon erupted into flames and burned down. Hillard took the phone to the Apple service place, but decided against sending it to Windows for analysis. The reason may or may not be shame; it is easy to imagine that Hollard kept the phone in his pocket for lenghty times every day, perhaps even sat on it. Both are things that should not be done, as every reasonable smartphone owner knows. On the other hand, the phone has been owned by Hillard for not even a whole month - that is a short time to break it so thoroughly.

He sold his kidney for iPhone 4, or pffffthaaaaaaaahahahahaa!

Sony Xperia XZ4 benchmarked. Impressive

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