Coffee versus smut, or the war between Starbucks and YouPorn

News of the day: the war between the popular coffee store line and pornography website has begun. Long story short, the whole ruckus started when Starbucks got fed up with people using its free wifi to watch porn. Wanting to put an end to this rigamarole, the store put out a ban on porn in its restaurants. Well, not a complete ban - while it is now impossible to watch hardcore porn in Starbucks, you can still watch ”adult movies” there - I will let the fans of both figure out the difference. YouPorn did not take kindly to it; its riposte was to ban its employees from bringing any Starbucks products into the office.

Personally I find YouPorn's reaction petty and more or less meaningless, with its greatest impact probably being pissing off some of its employees. As for Starbucks, it is no wonder that the stores do not want to be seen as porn hubs. What do you think?

Samsung's foldable device tech stolen

It is confirmed: Huawei Nova 4 will be out on December 17th

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