Android 9 Pie!

It is not Pistachio after all! Google has officially unveiled its newest operating system, Android 9, to the world. Event has shared much information about the OS, ”most importantly” its name. It turns out that Android 9 P will be called Pie, as in apple pie or cherry pie. Mmm, cherry pie... Anyway, Android Pie is already available for the very first smartphones: Google Pixel, Pixel XL, Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL and, last but not least, Essential Phone. The new OS will be downloaded automatically, with no need for manual control over the process (sounds spooky when I put it like that). Android 9 P will be available for another batch of models, newest Samsungs probably among them, sometime in Autumn.

Is 9 P worth the wait? Possibly. Google promises that Android 9 will deliver a large number of features, such as better power management, well-developed notifications system, improved gestures and increased cybersecurity measures.

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