Sockbot. New malware was found out in eight Google Play apps

According to cybersecurity company Symantec, eight Google Play apps have been infected by malware called Sockbot. Infected apps have already been removed, but not before they infected something between trifle six hundred thousand to two and a half million devices. Virus was hidden in various apps, many of them offering free Minecraft skins. Most of the downloads took place in the West; USA, Germany, Brazil, as well as Russia. Sockbot is not dangerous in itself, but Symantec believes its function is to give away the control of your device to a third person party, which can greatly compromise your data's security.

The best way of defense against such malware is to be cautious. Only download well-noted apps with good comments (well, as good as it is possible online) and do not get caught by bait of ”free content” apps. Good antivirus, like ESET and Symantec, will

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