BlackBerry updates its apps

There are seven BB apps on Google Play Store will receive, or already have received, updates. The complete list of all the updates would be long and probably boring to anyone but biggest BlackBerry fans, so here is its shortened version:
- BlackBerry Keyboard; Quick Mode, Emoji Mode, Password Keeper Integration & more,
- Hub; notification enhancements, improved Search, e-mail improvements, additional Hub integration & more,
- launcher; grid columns, grid rows and grid customization enhancements,
- productivity tab; Add Item and Free/Busy Time features,
- calendar & contacts; event edit and creation enhancements, Work Week View, contact icon refresh,
- Privacy Shade; reading window resizing,
- notable; usability enhancements.

You should receive a notification when the updates become available on Play Store (so, you may have already received it). As always when updating, make sure that your phone is charged and connected to a wi-fi. Have a good day.

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