Big news in big business: 2-year and $9 bilion contract for OLED iPhone display panels signed between Apple and Samsung

Unless various sources are wrong, two mobile giants, Apple and Samsung, have just sealed a large deal. Apple has contracted Samsung to ship 70 to 92 million screen panels in 2017, and presumably an even larger number next year. Increase in production will require Samsung to pay $9 bilion to expand its OLED panels production.

Apple and Samsung are rivals, at least when it comes to smartphones (a large consumer of OLED panels). It is interesting to see these two working together, or at least one working for another. What do you think? Is it just business, or are there some ulterior motives in either Samsung or Apple's actions?

LG G6 launches globally today

Android 7.0 update for Sprint Galaxy Note 5. Yay?

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