Oh dear, oh my, oh no... Samsung Galaxy S7 caught fire...

It seems that Galaxy S7 is an unlucky phone model for women. It has only been a few days since we heard about one exploding in a woman's car, and now I can report to you another one catching fire as its owner slept in bed. Incident took place in a North China Conservancy and Hydropower University's campus. According to the girl's testimony, her Galaxy S7 caught fire around 6 am, out of blue as it was not connected to a power source (and even if it were, such an incident would be unforgivable). The device was quickly put out, though this did not save the poor bed linens from being burnt up. The device was, reportedly, new, as the girl only bought it a few months ago. Everymen experts on the Internet have a wide range of opinions on the subject, ranging from ”probably a Chinese charger, this crap always blows up” to ”Damn, Samsung, what is up with you?”. How do you guys think, what happened?

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