Gold is overrated. Olympic medals will be made of used smartphones

A very good, symbolic step in the direction of recycling. In order to make five thousand bronze, silver and gold medals almost eight tons of metal. Japanese, for they will be the host of the 2020 olympics (here is to hope we will live that long...), have decided that there is no point in using up valuable minerals when a readily available supply of recycle-able material is ready for the taking. Where will this material come from? Only one of, if not the most popular devices on our planet. This April, Japanese telecommunication shops and stores will begin to put out special boxes for people to put their old, broken and otherwise unusable smartphones into. This program is a part of the 2020 olympics' ecological message, as that year's largest sport event is supposed to be an opportunity to discuss world-wide ecology issues.

Personally, I support the idea wholeheartedly and wish something like this was organised here in Poland, as well as in every other country. Steps like this are what may possibly wake us, humanity as a whole, up and make us do something with the growing pollution and usage of Earth's natural resources. is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our offer at

Samsung Galaxy On7 (2017), specification

Smartphone blows inches away from the owner's face

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