Samsung temporarily halts production of Galaxy Note 7

Poor Note 7 just cannot get a break. First, its original copies started exploding soon after their release, the fault for which was being put on defective batteries of- this is an important detail - outsourced making. The great, first of this scale, action of recalling faulty phones took place, with Samsung replacing almost 2.5 milion devices worldwide. Alas!, even after that the reports of Galaxy Note 7 phones combusting have not ended. Just last week one exploded aboard a plane, causing the whole flight to be cancelled. That is why Yonhap, a korean news agency, announced that Samsung halts the production of Galaxy Note 7 until the issue with it has been localized and fixed.

Lets hope that Samsung will not lose -too- much money on this business, although, if you ask me, I would not mind the company's board of director's pockets getting a little thinner. At least the whole issue gives us hope that the company's upcoming Galaxy S8 model will be polished and refined.

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