Google discontinues Nexus line, concentrates on its own brand

Sundar Pichai, chief executive officer of Google, has stated that "the Google-branded phones are the future of the company". In addition, during the Pixel smartphones announcement not a word was said about the Nexus line. According to the company, Google has no plans on producing any more Nexus devices. It is a bit strange, considering that, after what we've seen of Google Pixel and Pixel XL, the new brand devices do not differ much from the Nexus smartphones - just as their precedessors, they are limited availability devices that do not push the design standards forward like Android devices do. Their advantages of having a direct software experience from Google, as well as promise of quickest software updates, are also the same as Nexus' were.

What do you think? Why is Google abandoning Nexus in favour of Pixel?

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