iPhone 7's waterproofness stress-tested - well, damn.

YouTuber going by the nickname TechRax has uploaded two movies yesterday, on which he shows drastic measures that he took to test iPhone 7's waterproof qualities. He began by immersing the phone in one litre of Coca-Cola. He then put said Cola into the freezer long enough for it to freeze solid. After seventeen hours of turning into soda ice-cream, TechRax took the icy block out and carefully broke it with a hammer, thus releasing the phone from its icy confines. When the viewer thought it's finally over, the second film started, during which TechRax boils up some water and throws the iPhone into it. He waits for a while, nonchalantly stirs the phone inside the boiling pot, takes it out... and gets back to using the app he has just dropped before dropping the phone into the hot water.

iPhone 7 may have its issues, but no one can say it isn't waterproof. You can watch the videos mentioned above here.

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