Microsoft does not care about sales, they will keep making new smartphones

We all heard about sales problems that Microsoft is having right now.

All devices with Windows 10 on board are not selling too good, but that doesn't stop redmond Company.
They are determined to creating more and more devices and they are still working on a first Surface Phone.
Even the CMO Chris Capossella has called this model a "breakthrough device."

We also have a short of an e-mail send by the executive vice president of Microsoft's Windows and Devices Group Terry Myerson which proves that Microsoft is not giving up.

"I understand that you are hearing concerns from certain partners about Microsoft's commitment to the mobile space. Let me be very clear: We are committed to deliver Windows 10 on mobile devices with small screen running ARM processors. We are currently in development of our next generation products and I wanted to reconfirm our commitment to Windows 10 Mobile. We believe in this product's value to business customers and it is our intention to support the Windows 10 Mobile platform for many years. We have a device roadmap to support that from Microsoft as well as our OEM partners who will also be selling an expanded lineup of phone devices based on this platform."

We are looking forward to all great devices coming from Microsoft which might prove to be better than we think.

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