Unlocking Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C
For unlock Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C following options are available. If you don't know which option use for unlock your phone, please contact us. We will help you choose the right product for your phone.
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Unlocking instruction for Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C ?
How to enter a network unlock code in a Sony-ericsson Acro SO-02C:
1. Turn on the phone with an unaccepted simcard inserted (simcard from a different network)
2. Phone should ask for network unlock code
3. Type NCK code in order to unlock the main network like T-Mobile, Orange etc.
Type SPCK code if the phone is locked in a subnetwork like Tesco.
Second way to enter code in Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C
1. Insert an unaccepted simcard and start Sony ericsson Acro SO-02C
2. Press the following buttons left, * (STAR), *(STAR), left. (use the directional button at the center of your Acro SO-02C, make sure you press the buttons quickly or the hidden menu won't appear)
3. Hidden unlock menu should appear.
4. Enter the unlock received from sim-unlock.net
5. Sony ericsson Acro SO-02C is now prepared to work in any network.
How to check Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C code counter:
1. Turn on the phone whithout sim card
2. Lock screen
3. Press sequence: Menu, Back, Back, Menu, Back, Menu, Menu, Back
4. Select Service info
5. Select SimLock
6. Check where is X
7. If X is on NETWORK, SUBSET or PROVIDER and value is different than zero, you can unlock your phone.
8. If it is zero unlock by code is NOT available. The counter is blocked.
If the code counter shows all 0 it cannot be unlocked, because there are no tries left to unlock it.
Second way to check counter in Sony-Ericsson Acro SO-02C
1. Turn on the phone whithout sim card
2. Type *#*#7378423#*#*
3. Select Service info
4. Select SimLock
5. Check where is X
6. If X is on NETWORK, SUBSET or PROVIDER and value is more than 0, you can unlock your phone.
7. If it is 0 unlock by code is NOT possible. The counter is blocked.