Unlocking Sony Xperia L4

For unlock Sony Xperia L4 following options are available. If you don't know which option use for unlock your phone, please contact us. We will help you choose the right product for your phone.

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UNLOCK Sony Xperia L4


What our customers say about unlocking

  • Thank you. Worked great.

    Ali - 2022-07-05 09:58:51

  • Unlocked from EE network. Thank you

    Gourav - 2022-03-14 10:21:30

Unlocking instruction for Sony Xperia L4 ?

How to enter a network unlock code in a Sony Xperia L4:

1. Turn on the phone with an unaccepted simcard inserted (simcard from a different network)
2. Phone should ask for network unlock code
3. Type NCK code in order to unlock the main network like T-Mobile, Orange etc.
Type SPCK code if the phone is locked in a subnetwork like Tesco.

How to check SONY Xperia L4 code counter:

1. Turn on the phone whithout sim card
2. Type *#*#7378423#*#*
3. Select Service info
4. Select SimLock
5. Check where is X
6. If X is on NETWORK, SUBSET or PROVIDER and value is more than 0, you can unlock your phone.
7. If it is 0 unlock by code is NOT possible. The counter is blocked.

If the code counter shows all 0 it cannot be unlocked, because there are no tries left to unlock it.

Sony Xperia L4 counter

Second way to check counter

1. Turn on the phone whithout sim card
2. Lock screen
3. Press sequence: Menu, Back, Back, Menu, Back, Menu, Menu, Back
4. Select Service info
5. Select SimLock
6. Check where is X
7. If X is on NETWORK and value is different than zero, you can unlock your phone.
8. If it is zero unlock by code is NOT available. The counter is blocked.

Network unlock code or Sim pin network code is a special type of code which removes the network blockade from your Sony Xperia L4.
These messages will appear on the screen of your Sony Xperia L4 when you insert an unaccepted simcard.
Sony Xperia L4 has a limited amount of unlocking attempts. Usually all Sony Xperia L4 have 5 tries. If your Sony Xperia L4 has a blocked code counter, there are no tries left, you cannot unlock this device by code.
Important !!! Sony Xperia L4 with a blocked code counter will still ask for a network unlock code.
Even if you enter the correct code it won't work with a blocked code counter.

The code counter can be reset only by an official Sony service.
Sony Xperia L4 needs different types of unlock codes to remove the network blockade.
One of these codes is a NSCK code which is used in most Japanese networks like Docomo, Softbank etc.
Those networks cannot be unlocked with the standard NCK code.
Sony Xperia L4 usually asks for this code as soon as you insert an unaccepted simcard ( from a different network ).