Unlocking Nokia C1-01

For unlock Nokia C1-01 following options are available. If you don't know which option use for unlock your phone, please contact us. We will help you choose the right product for your phone.

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UNLOCK Nokia C1-01


What our customers say about unlocking

  • Excellent service // timelines were kept & when I(/the customer) had a question during the process, matters were immediately answered. Highly recommendable¡

    Joe Blow - 2021-12-14 18:02:53

  • Easy and fast as described

    rui - 2019-09-11 00:51:48

  • Great tks got code for C1 all worked with a little help and excellent customer service

    Louise - 2019-03-14 13:03:38

  • Funcionou na perfeição (Works perfect for Nokia C1-01)

    Jose - 2019-02-07 23:27:38

  • legit and very fast response for the unlock code.. :-)

    zaldy - 2018-10-16 04:38:45

Unlocking instruction for Nokia C1-01 ?

The unlocking instruction for Nokia C1-01 is not very complicated, but you need to remember that you have only 3 tries to enter the codes.
If you enter the codes incorrectly more than 3 times, the code counter might get blocked.

Follow these 5 steps to make your Nokia C1-01 network free
1. Turn on the phone without any sim card
2. Enter the following sequence (#pw+unlock code+1#) on your NOKIA C1-01 just like a phone number*
* Characters p, w, + will appear after pressing the *(star) symbol a couple of times
4. Press # at the end to confirm the code
5. Message "SIM restriction OFF" should appear.
Your Nokia C1-01 is now unlocked !!!

Nokia C1-01 has only one correct unlock code. If you enter codes provided by free generators too many times, you can block the code counter in your device. Every Nokia C1-01 has a restricted number of tries to enter an unlock code. When the code counter gets blocked, you can loose a chance to unlock your Nokia C1-01 permanently, even when you use Nokia software.
If your Nokia C1-01 has a network blockade but you don't know in what network exactly, you can check it by using your phone's IMEI number.
Only thing that you need is this link Network and warranty check for Nokia C1-01, enter your Nokia C1-01 IMEI number, after a few seconds you will receive information about carrier, country and warranty status for your NOKIA C1-01.


2022-12-06 14:08:56 jean paul

code reçu en 2 jours . résultat nickel

2022-08-18 10:10:23 Pawe³


2021-12-14 18:02:53 Joe Blow

Excellent service // timelines were kept & when I(/the customer) had a question during the process, matters were immediately answered. Highly recommendable¡

2021-10-19 08:15:01 Jean Paul

C’est la deuxième fois que je fais appel à ce service et la prestation est impeccable. Le suivi de l’avancement du dossier est simple. La dernière fois j’ai eu à débloquer un téléphone inutilisé depuis des années et je craignais que cela pose problème, il n’en fut rien. Excellent pour favoriser l’économie circulaire 🙂

2021-04-08 10:04:17 Adam

wszystko przebieglo bardzo sprawnie przemily pan z obslugi polecam

2019-09-11 00:51:48 rui

Easy and fast as described

2019-03-14 13:03:38 Louise

Great tks got code for C1 all worked with a little help and excellent customer service

2019-02-22 18:05:21 Rafa³

Wszystko w jak najlepszym porz±dku

2019-02-07 23:27:38 Jose

Funcionou na perfeição (Works perfect for Nokia C1-01)

2018-10-16 04:38:45 zaldy

legit and very fast response for the unlock code.. :-)

2018-10-01 09:36:30 JOSE GREGORIO

excelente, volveré a solicitar vuestros servicios , gracias

2018-07-04 15:14:14 Deborah

A bit expensive but worked really well.

2018-05-15 14:06:33 rafael

Perfecto, liberación antes de lo previsto

2018-01-31 10:49:42 ANDRE

Parfait commandé le soir à 22h, code en retour à 22h30 et tout fonctionne à 23h

2017-07-27 16:28:02 Marie

Très satisfaite, j'ai fait une demande pour mes deux téléphones. Réponse ultra rapide et codes parfaits. Tout fonctionne à merveille. Encore merci

2017-07-17 21:17:46 Micha³

Wszystko ³adniusio.

2017-06-05 12:00:43 Walt

Ordered on Saturday and code arrived early Monday. Worked perfectly, phone now unlocked. Thanks.

2017-01-28 17:28:48 Helga

Einwandfreier und schneller Service Ist alles innerhalb von 10 Minuten über die Bühne gegangen. Handy wurde sofort entsperrt, alles prima danke - gerne wieder Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis in Ordnung

2016-12-22 13:34:14 LLUIS FERRE TALARN

Rápido, cómodo y lo hacen muy sencillo y fácil de llevar a cabo con las instrucciones que mandan. Perfecto

2016-08-22 14:44:33 Lino

Very fast (30min), simple and easy.