unlock blog

Huawei finally with Android Lollipop

We have some good news for all Huawei fans, the Chinese company has finally announced, that they will be seeding the newest Android version for there products.

The company has announced a list of the devices which will be receiving the following update soon.

The first models to receive the new Android version are: Ascend Mate7, followed by the Ascend P7 and Ascend Mate 2. Some of thier devices will be upgraded directly to Lollipop from current Jelly Bean state.

We don’t have an exact date yet, but these news sound very good for all Huawei users, better late than never. offers special unlock codes which allow your Huwaei device to work in any network you wish.

If you are tired of using the same network all the time, or the prices are to hight, please unlock your phone and the trouble will be gone.

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