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Android VPN what is and how does it work?

Secured Android VPN

Nowadays our phones have become a major part of our lives.
They do somuch more than previous “basic” phones.

Aside from calling and texting, you can play games on your phone, watchmovies or browse the internet.
However all of these bennefits come witha price.
If you connect to the internet by your phone you are a targetfor hackers and other information thieves.

We don’t want anyone to see our passwords or files that we keep on ourphone.

How can I protect my smartphone?

The easiest and simple way to protect your phone is to buy a securedandroid VPN.

Android VPN is a special way of connecting to the internet.

The app routes all your Internet traffic through a remote server in anencrypted format, which protects all of your data as well as yourprivate IP.

Another thing is the fact that all encrypted data will not be shown tothe intruder, even if he hacks the device. You are the only person whocan see your data thanks to the VPN.

Are Android VPN as good as desktop ones?

Yes they work exactly the same and offer the same protection. Howevercompared to the desktop ones, you can find many free Android VPN offers,which don’t work at all.

There are even some free VPN’s that steal your data instead and sellthem to other companies. So please remember that you need to pay for agood VPN.

Other benefits of using Android VPN

Ok, so now you know that you are secured and you can use the internetwithout any problems. There are however other benefits of owning a VPN.

Major plus is the fact that thanks to Android VPN you can share filesanymously and visit websites that are blocked by your Internet serviceprovider or government.

Lets say that you watch Netflix, the popular streaming service and youwnat to watch some movies.
As you know the offer is different indifferent regions, so if you are in UK you cannot watch all movies thatare available in the USA.

This can change thanks to Android VPN which allows you to streamgeo-blocked movies, so that you can fully enjoy your time and have a lotmore fun with your streaming services.

To sum up

Android VPN is as good as the desktop one, it brings all the benefitsand secures your device the same way as your pc.
If you are interestedin buying Android VPN we can highly recommend services like SurfSharkand Express VPN.
Both work great and they offer protection for more thanone device in a single offer.
It means that when you get your protectionfor your PC you get the smartphone protection as well, without any extrapayment.

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