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Plane, powerbank and fire or ouch, we might be facing new plane luggage regulations soon

The unfortunate event took place on February 26th. Flight from New York to Bahama had to be aborted midair after a passenger’s powerbank spontaneously erupted in flames. The situation was handed by the plane’s staff and there was no fire but nevertheless the pilot has decided to emergency land the plane in Daytona Beach. Everything went well, no one got hurt and all the passengers and plane staff exited the plane in Daytona, presumably after cursing the head off the unfortunate powerbank owner.

As of now we do not know whether or not that incident will end in more rigorous baggage regulations. On the one hand, we all know what happened after the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco; on the other hand, powerbanks do not usually blow up, therefore this incident might get written off as a one-time freak accident. Time will tell.

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