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Bitcoin mining uses up more energy than whole Switzerland

Maybe that is because they do not use electric watches? 😀 According to the scientists from the University of Cambridge, energy consumption of Bitcoin mining has reached great/hilarious/horrible proportions. Using a so-called CBECI (Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index) engine, the scientists calculated that Bitcoin mining is responsible for 0.25 percent of worldwide electrical power usage. That is more than the aforementioned Switzerland, a modern country, requires to keep running. Creating Bitcoin currency requires 8 gigawatts of electrical power per day, or 61,76 terawatt-hours per year – although the number does fluctuate depending on Bitcoin’s worth. All of that would not really matter if not for the fact that energy does not come from nowhere – mining Bitcoins add significant strain to degradation of Earth’s atmosphere with carbon dioxide.

The moral of the story? We will all die from various man-made disasters, and they will be partly caused by a currency that, in a way, does not even exist.

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