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Great discovery on Mars. Sci-fi fans will be pleased, known logo appears on the surface of the planet.

The HIRISE Operations Center (NASA) is involved in a project called High Resolution Resource Science Experiment project.

It uses a probe that takes pictures of the surface of the red planet called MRO HIRISE.

The main task of the probe is to study the shape of the terrain and sediments.
During one of the scans, however, she discovered something else.
Odd change has been discovered on the surface of Mars that resembles some known logo.

All fans of the Star trek series, will definitely recognize the image.
The picture shows main logo of Earth forces, the Starfleet.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that Star Trek heroes arrived on Mars.
The logo is the result of changes that occurred on the surface of the planet.

This is an effect of a complex history of dunes, lava and wind.
It turns out that this area of Mars already had crescent-shaped dunes, in result the picture is a consequence of further events that took place.

An eruption occurred on the surface of the planet, from which lava ran down the plain and around the dunes, but not over them. It filled the space around the dunes and solidified in such a form. At the end, the wind started to blow the remains of the dunes.

We hope that HIRISE will soon send more pictures of interesting things like this one.

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