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SpellForce: Heroes & Magic, new mobile phone strategy game

It seems that the newest, fourth game in the SpellForce RTS-RPG series, will be a mobile game. Heroes & Magic will stay faithful to the game’s RPG slash strategy game roots, with only differences being the platform it is played on as well as abandoning the real time strategy in favour of turn based one – a good choice, frankly, as smartphones’ small screens do not get along well with the fast-paced, microintense gameplay of RTS’. New SpellForce will offer a 13 missions-long campaign as well as skirmish mode, in which you will be able to control forces of either humans, orcs or dark elves. As always, you will be given heroes that will level up, gain new skills and collect useful equipment along the way. Heroes & Magic will probably be a full priced title, seeing as it is supposed to be free of both adverts and microtransactions. Sweet.

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