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A guy illegally recorded a game video, YouTube took it down, he published it on Pornhub instead

O tempora o mores… Kingdom Hearts 3, a rather atypical (for European standards at least) anime-esque action game with Disney characters included, has been released a few days ago. A few days before that, though, one wisecrack on the Internet has published a less-than-legal gameplay video of it on YouTube. YT quickly took it down, though, as the material in the video infringed Square Enix’, game’s creators, copyrights. Thusly denied player decided that he or she will publish their video one way or another and… took it to Pornhub instead. Technically, Pornhub follows the same copyright rules as YouTube; in practice, though, the kinky website rarely pulls anything off it as long as nobody comes with a complaint. It is possible that the video is still there (I am at work so I would rather not check :D); Square Enix probably would not bother complaining about it now anyway, since the game is already out.

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