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iPhone XS notch invisible in an ad video. Apple did it on purpose?

iPhone X was and still is a very popular smartphone, so it is no surprise that soon after its release Apple released its close successor, iPhone XS. What is a surprise is that Apple did not fix the one feature of the older phone that many people have complained about, namely its notch. What is even more of a surprise is that Apple not only kept the notch but then also decided to hide it in the smartphone’s advertisement video. Take a look at the video, then at the graphic above. Notice anything odd? Apple must have counted on people not noticing, and it may have been correct… although the results may not be all that great for the company. One Mrs. Davis, USA, has just sued Apple for lying in the iPhone XS’ advertisement; the woman believes that the lack of notch in the video has mislead her.

Well, if you ask me, it will be difficult for Apple to argue otherwise – ”the notch was invisible but it was totally there, pinky promise”. Good luck with your case, Mrs. Davis.

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