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Fuchsia, or new OS by Google

Chrome OS and Android may be the most popular operating systems on the market, but that does not mean that Google does not want to one up itself. First time we have heard of Fuchsia was two years ago, but it was pretty much just a mention. Now, though, much more info regarding the OS has been released online. We now know that the device will be released on smartphones, PCs, tablets and Home Hub smart loudspeaker or, in other words, for most electronics that there are in most people’s homes. Some people believe that Fuchsia will also be made for smart gadgets like health bands and watches. Google’s new OS’ software is to be based on Zircon kernel, which will both make it easier to protect and to update. We have heard that Google also made it so that the Fuchsia’s software supports apps written both for Android as well as Apple. An interesting feature will be the Os synchronizing devices with one another – for example you can start doing something on your PC and then finish it on your smartphone. You like Google Assistant? Good news for you, then, as Fuschia os will be synchronized with it. The OS will also supposedly offer two different interface styles, both with styles based on Material Design.

Fuchsia OS will appear on the market in 2021 first. The first devices it will be released on will be the smart home appliances. Later on, in 2023, it will be released on other devices. Of course, nothing is set in stone – it is possible that Google will drop the entire project and concentrate on Chrome and Android.

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