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Samsung Galaxy’s new advert makes fun of iPhone’s shortcomings

Samsung’s latest smartphone was Galaxy Note 8. It was praised for its large display, improved S pen, dual cameras, not blowing up so far (Samsung is not living that down in years, nope) and more. Yet simply making a good phone is not enough for Samsung, as the Korean company wants to also poke fun at its main rival as it goes. Samsung has just released an advertisement of sorts. 1 minute long clip depicts a young man journey from buying the first iPhone in 2007, getting fed up with phone’s various shortcomings – no water resistance, lack of headphone jack, long queues for the newest model (not sure if that is an actual issue per se), software problems etc – to finally ”growing up” and getting a Samsung like his girlfriend’s.

I personally do not care for neither Samsung nor Apple, so I find this clip a somewhat snarky but also accurate (if overexaggerated) depiction of iPhone’s issues. It did not make me go and buy a Samsung, but hey, it has a pleasant theme song. Anyway, what do you think about the advert? Accurate? Overblown? Pleasant theme song?

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