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Oy wey, another Samsung burns

The story is mostly a simple one. Last July, a young lady from South Korea bought herself a Samsung Galaxy S7. Until now, the phone is said to have worked perfectly well, no problems. A week or so ago it happened so that she needed to charger her phone. After plugging it into the charger, it turned out that she needed to use it – maybe someone called her, or she needed to write an important SMS. She turned the phone on and that is when it erupted into flames. Thankfully, that did not start a large fire.

That would be the end of the story if not for Samsung’s odd behaviour. After the smoke set (ha, ha, ha), hot S7’s owner (ha, ha, ha again) decided to send her destroyed smartphone to Samsung, so that she would get a replacement unit under the warranty. Samsung had other plans, though, as her phone was sent back for her two days after she mailed it. Young woman does not give up, though; she took the burnt phone and sent it to South Korea’s Institude of Standards and Technology. This will probably take some time.

It is weird that Samsung did not honou the phone’s warranty right off the bat. Phone has reportedly been charged using the official Samsung charger, so that cannot be the issue. What was, then, and why did Samsung decide it was not their problem? Follow us online and maybe we will find out in the future.

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