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Summer vs. electronics, or how to save your smartphone from high temperatures

Summer! Time to get out and grab some tan (or to get sweaty and angry in public communication. Eff my life). Heat can be detrimental to a human body, we all realize that, but do we all also know that high (and low) temperatures are bad for electronics? Our wee little smartphones are relatively delicate tools and extreme temperatures can easily harm them – especially if their users do not know how to treat them. That is why I have decided to put down a small list of things to (not) do with your mobile on summer.

1. Don’t charge your battery to the brim, or, if you REALLY have to, make sure to unplug it right after the power counter shows 100%. Charging puts a high stress on phone’s battery, producing high temperature – remember what happened to Samsung Galaxy Note 7!.

2. Don’t play games all day, young whippersnapper! Sorry, gamers, but playing video games (or, to be precise, producing the game’s graphics, particulary 3D) is probably the most power-demanding thing your phone can do, and high power usage equals rise in temperature. You might want to cut down on your Fruit Ninja gameplay.

3. Speaking of applications, try not to use too many at once. Listening to a song while texting your friend and looking up a road on Google Maps may sound like a 21st century thing to do, but it puts a considerable stress on your already warm device.

4. Take off phone’s protective case. Usually I would not be the one to advocate doing this, but lets face it, cases do not really let much air under all the leather/plastic. Wearing protective cases on phones in summer is like wearing bovver boots – sure, you aren’t worried about getting hit on your toe, but damn, your feet are sweaty.

5. Try to not leave your phone out in the sun. It would be best if you found a nice, shaded spot to put it down at. You might even want to put your mobile next to the turned fan. Do NOT, though, put it inside the fridge! While fridge’s inner temperature is not dangerous for smartphones, a sudden change of temperature is.

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