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Tinder for orangutans is a thing now. O tempora, o mores

Finding love can be hard, but 21st century technology helps us as much as it can. Well, not only us. As part of a ”Tinder for orangutans” experiment, Apenheul primate park will equip Samboja, a female orangutan, with a mobile device with pictures of male orangutans from around the world on it. The goal is for Samboja to select males that she finds attractive, so that they can be brought over to Apenheul for a little R&R. Orangutan’s interest in possible future partners is to be measured by her reaction to pictures shown – a long, deep gaze may be considered a ”yes”, while grabbing the device and smashing it on the caretaker’s head is a safe bet for a ”no”. The reason behind the project is twofold: primarily, it is to research the hows of orangutans choosing their mates; secondarily, it is to decrease costs, as often possible partners for mates are being brought from all over the world, only to then be sent back when no monkey business occurs. Researchers have to make their mobiles somewhat more durable, though, as Samboja has already managed to break one by hitting it.

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