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Lenovo completed the production line Moto X

Yesterday, Motorola made a presentation of three new models: Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play. What, however, with a series of Moto X? According to the Post stated on Twitter by Evan Blass can be concluded that Lenovo has already completed the production line X, but instead intends to release a new line, this time under the letter Z in the name.The first two smartphones in the series – Moto Z Style and Moto Z Play will have a 5.5-inch screen. This is a continuation of the most well-known already in the market Moto X Style and Moto X Play. Additional features will be a fingerprint reader and a special module designed for camera or sound.Closer specification of the smartphone will be able to know probably after the conference Lenovo Tech World 2016 announced in June in San Francisco.

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