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Trade in your Samsung for a brand new OnePlus 2

The Chinese company called OnePlus cannot stop to impress us. Starting with great smartphones they develop, the way they sell the devices and now this charity event.
If you wish to trade your Samsung device for a brand new OnePlus 2 device you can do it right now.
OnePlus announced that they will trade in every Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 edge, S6 edge+, or Note5 model for a brand new OnePlus 2.
All samsung models that will be choosen( about 50), will be given to Hope Phones, a non-profit organization that brings medical technology to those in need.

The event is called TakeTheEdgeOff, and to take part in it, you need to use #TakeTheEdgeOff on social media and fill out a form.
If your form will be accepted, the new OnePlus 2 is right at your doorsteps.
It is a nice initiative that might be interesting for some users, however we don’t think that anyone has a Samsung flagship device will trade it for an OnePlus 2.

If you need a network unlocking for your Samsung device, can help you with that. We provide from 1 to 4 unlock codes. NCK code for removing the main network, SPCK and NSCK code for removing the subnetwork blockade and an unfreeze code to reset the code counter, or remove the region blockade. The prices depend on the network in which the phone is locked, but we can promise that we are not expensive.

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