Android P may be released soon

Or so says Evan Blass. According to the all-knowing god of leaks, Google will release Android 9.0 P on August 20th. Blass has not provided any proof to back his claims, but his mostly stellar record on rumours is proof itself. Some of Android P's more interesting features will include a dark mode for saving battery, Clear All button and a built-in ...

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Firefox changes its icon

The company wants to change its, quote, ”visual identity”, and changing its icons is meant to be a large part of the process. Mozilla's designers have lots of ideas for the new icons, but they want to give us, the users, a say in the matter. It is not a poll, no - more like Mozilla gives us an outlet for us to share our opinions on the new designs. Offered ...

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YouTube Dark Mode arrives to Android

Dark Mode is nothing new on YouTube: PC and iOS users have had it for a few months. Android users have been left in the dark - until now. A small number of Android-wielders are reporting that they now have access to YT's Dark Mode. Anyone lucky or uninterested enough to receivet he update is reportedly being informed by a special message appearing in the bottom ...

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Google Play store cleans the shop

Every now and then Google raids its own store in order to get rid of its more undesirable elements. That is what happened this time, too: Google has removed many of its trash-apps, like ones that only offer advertisements, cryptocurrency miners, apps that copy-past content of others or the infamous ”Elsagate”-esque apps that imitates child-friendly ...

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Android P's beta version is now available

It took a while but here it is. Those of us who enjoy being test subjects, as well as have Google Pixel smartphones, can now download and use the Android P Beta version 4 operating system. All they have to do is go to and register on this website. More good news is that the beta will soon be available on other smartphones as well: - Essential Phone, - ...

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