Fuchsia, or new OS by Google

Chrome OS and Android may be the most popular operating systems on the market, but that does not mean that Google does not want to one up itself. First time we have heard of Fuchsia was two years ago, but it was pretty much just a mention. Now, though, much more info regarding the OS has been released online. We now know that the device will be released ...

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YouTube Red will soon be free

YouTube Red, paid subscription giving access to, among other things, ad-free videos and the Originals videos, will soon be available for free. As usually, there will be a catch - Originals videos will be available, yes, but only with ads. Of course those of us who still pay for YT Red will see those videos without the advertisements. What do you think ...

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Elon Musk will live on Mars

At least that is what he wishes to do. American website news Axios has had an interview with the genius millionaire inventor and occasional douchebag Elon Musk. In this interview, Elon Musk has let out that he hopes it will be possible for him to move to the Red Planet sometime in the future. The man believes that there is a ”70% chance” ...

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Blizzard is making a mobile Warcraft game

O tempora o mores... Only days after a PR fiasco that was the announcement of Diablo: Immortal, Blizzard is pushing its luck again. This time it was Kotaku who told the world that the gaming giant is working on a mobile Warcraft game. According to Kotaku, it is supposed to be an augmented reality game similiar in style to Pokemon: Go. Pokemon: Go is supposedly ...

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