Sony resets its smartphones' naming conventions

It looks like Sony wants to shake things up, at least a little. The company is changing names for its two series: the upcoming Xperii XA will be called Xperia 10 and Xperia 10 Plus, while the soon-to-be-released Xperia XZ4 will do so under a somewhat mind-boggling name Xperia 1 (flashbacks from Battlefield 1 being the FOURTH GAME in the series). The number 1 in the name is supposed to suggest that the device will be all fresh and new and sparkling. Will it, though? Some of the more interesting parts of Xperia 1's specs are rumoured to be the 21:9 aspect ratio display, separate screen unlock button (that does not sound right) and triple camera setup, with one of its sensors being an impressive 52mpx.

Sony Xperia 1 will come out on February 25th.

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