16 thousand cheating players banned from Apex Legends

Apex Legends is a good. Quietly crafted under EA's publishment, it took the market by storm due, taking the palm of the greatest Battle Royale game out of Fortnite's hands (sorry, PuBG, but your time has seemingly gone). The game has won over 25 million players with its combination of fun gameplay, uninvasive microtransactions and, last but not least, the developers' hard stance against cheaters. Respawn Entertainment, the creators of AL, have already banned 16 thousand players using various kinds of cheating mechanisms in the game. They are not alone in their pursuit of cheaters, too, as players have been given an easy to use method of reporting those people. 16 thousand cheaters may not be a lot when compared to 25 million players but hey, it is still a significant number. Lets hope that they will catch 'em all.

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