Skyrim multiplayer mod currently in beta

More than one modder have tried to bring multiplayer into the everpopular world of Skyrim, but it is the team working on Skyrim Together mod that got the closest to this goal. Currently, their mod is only available to a small number of Patreon contributors beta testers, but the plans are for it to soon be released to a wider audience. Reportedly, most of the game's features are already working fine, or at least as intended: the mod is said to bring little in the way of adapting it to a co-op experience, which means that, for example, every player has their own separate journal and quest progression. There are also some issues with random dragon encounters. Group interface, on the other hand, works pristine, with other players' health bars being depicted as part of HUD and healing spells of one player properly working on the other. Here is to hope that the creators of their mod will polish it before release, and that soon we will be able to enjoy Skyrim in company.

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