Chrome Adblock will give a middle finger to ads starting December

Internet ads are annoying. Frankly, there is no other way to put it. Windows advertising uninteresting products pop up when we open a new website, small video windows appear in the corners of the screen, wide tabs with ads take place on top and bottom of screen where the text should be... it is all so irritating that it is difficult to not agree with South Park's sentiments on the matter. Good uncle Google saw our troubles and said ”let there be clarity” and gave us AdBlock, which takes care of much of this trash. Unfortunately, AdBlock is not perfect, and we are still being assaulted by many internet ads, even if not as many as before. That, thankfully, is going to change soon. This December, Google is releasing Chrome 71, new version of its popular web browser. It will be equipped with scripts that that detect and flag detrimental advertisements. Flagged ad owners will have thirty days to remove them, after which the ads will be blocked until the owner adheres to Google's rules. This does open room for manipulation - what makes an ad detrimental? Will Google try to boost its partners' ad revenues and attack its enemies? - but I, a regular web user, do not care about such things. All I am glad about is that I will have to sift through less crap when online.

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