Facebook is being taken to court over alleged fraud

Crowd Siren Agency is accusing Facebook of inflating its average time spent watching videos statistics. According to the agency, in years 2015-2016 FB has premeditely deceived its business partners by modifying their aforementioned statistics so that they are even 900% larger than they were supposed to. This in turn has created an artificial deflux of video content from YT and other platforms to Facebook, with content creators counting on FB's ”magic” to garner them a large number of views. The whole fraud has supposedly begun with a glitch that FB found out back in 2015 but did nothing about. Another issue is that 900% statistics' inflation; FB stated before that the inflation was ”only” 60 to 80%.

Ehh, FB, FB... you done goofed. This year was pretty awful for your image and I am surprised that there is not a major retreat of customers from you. Personally I am glad that I have very little friends on my FB account and use it mostly for work.

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