Sonny Disckson explains why the AirPower charger still is not out

AirPower is an advanced charging device made by Apple. It's main selling point was supposed to be being able to charge up to three different devices simultaneously. AirPower was first announced a year ago, with its release date being 2018. Well, it has been 365 days and the device is still not here. What is more, Apple has begun to quietly remove info regarding it from their website. Why? The reasons are explained by one Sonny Disckson. Long story short - technical difficulties: not only the charger is prone to overheating, likely due to lack of space between the charging coils, but its software has issues communicating with what the device is charging.

We do not know what is the future of AirPower, but it is unlikely that we will see it on store shelves in 2018. Too bad but oh well. I much prefer a faulty device to be put away until ready than have a flashy but potentially dangerous item.

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