First Battlefield 5 trailer is out

Battlefield series is alive and well, unlike some other multiplayer shooters (khe khe CoD khe khe Black Ops khe khe). After a pretty great Battlefield 1 from 2016, DICE, the creators of the series, bring us the first appetizer for sequel. Trailer starts as a cinematic, action-filled show based on game's engine only to make a pretty seamless transition to quazi-gameplay (because come on, game will NOT be as cool as this) in the middle. It all looks pretty great, and there is a lot of hype going on, buuuuut... large number of people online took to complaining about it. Their reasons? Some of them are: too colourful, cartoonish graphics, probably based on Fortnite and other recently popular cartoon-esque games; little care for historical realities (katana on the West Front? And what is going on with this prosthetis?); and, sigh, women inclusion into the game's characters - no comment. Some of the features promised also generated a significant dislike, like fortification building (again, Fortnite).

If you ask me, the trailer looks pretty cool, but then again I do not really play online shooters. I do not mind women in the game, historical realism is not important to me when the game clearly does not try to be realistic. What do you think? The trailer can be watched here.

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