Huawei is allegedly working on its own operating system

As you may or may not know, Huawei products are now banned in the United States. Huawei phones can be used, and last few phones are available for sale, but no new units are being shipped into the country. The reasons for the ban are not important in today's news: it is probably part of a bad China-USA situation. What interests us is that that ban not only means that Huawei cannot sell its smartphones in the United States of A; it may also mean that, any day now, Google might be forced to pull the plug and stop its operating system Android from supporting Huawei products. Yep, that is right, my dear readers - you may suddenly be left out without working OS on your phones.

Thankfully, Huawei is preparing for just such an eventuality. The company is allegedly working on its own operating system ever since the beginning of the US inquiry in 2012. We do not know much about it, only that it supposedly works and is of worse quality than Android. Lets hope that the US-Huawei case will not go any further and that the Chinese will have access to Android. If not... well, history is full of small operating systems that wanted to, but could not... Huawei's official approach is that it will use Android as long as possible.

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