Teenager facing charges for sending a nude selfie

Long story short - and without too much judiciary lingo - is this: one Jane Doe (name, naturally, changed) from Minnesota, 14, has sent one or two of the boys she fancied nude picture of herself via Snapchat. One of the girl's classmates reported this to the police (little snitch or good citizen? You make the call), after which Jane Doe was charged with ”dissemination of child pornography”, facing ten thousand dollars fine as well as being registered as a sex offender for ten years. Many sources consider this charge ridiculous and a dangerous and stupid precedent in Minnesota law regarding sex offences. Those who defend Jane Doe say, among other things, that sending a nude to a teen while being a teen is not predatory, that teenagers having sex is not a crime and nor should sexting (sending nude pictures) be, and that sexting is so popular that around 45% of teenagers would have to be locked up for doing it.

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