Facebook Messenger Lite available in the UK, US, Ireland and Canada

After its initial debut (more like life beta-tests) in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Venezuela, Messenger Lite becomes available in the West. What is Messenger Lite? Well, you know how Messenger is a massive piece of bloatware that clogs your smartphone's memory like a cigarette clogs your lungs? Lite version of the app is all of the Messenger's essentials with all the excessive fat cut off. No automated messages, no in-chat games, no photo attachments - just plain old texting.

Sounds good? Hopefully it is. If you are interested, it should by now be downloadable from Google Play Store. App weights just ten megabytes, so it's a light download.

Splitgate or oy wey, iPhone is do0med!!1!

Huawei Nova 2i officially presented

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