INKS, Apple's free App of the Week

As most of Apple users probably know, each week Apple chooses one ”App of the Week”, highlighting the application of their choice and making it free to download for seven days. This time the honour of being the App of the Week belongs to INKS, normally a $2.99 mobile game that is an interesting take on the classic pinball... I guess you could call this one ”paintball”, though perhaps ”inkball” would be more truthful.

So, what is INKS about? Basically it is pinball, but with some puzzle-solving and very aesthetically pleasing style. Seriously, just look at this trailer. Personally I do not like pinballs, but I could just sit there and watch someone else play as colourful ink sprays all over the fliper table. Game has been said to have super visuals and level design and, judging by the trailer, rightly so. Of course, you do not have to believe me - INKS is available for free, so just go grab it while you can. Oh, and do not worry about some pesky in-game purchases, as INKS has none.


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