Kaspersky vs. FBI

As perhaps you have already heard, there was a ”small misunderstanding” a few weeks ago between the American government and a Russian antyvirus creators Kaspersky. Kaspersky was accused of leaking information to the Russian intelligence, and the US government readily removed it from its list of trusted software deliverers. Losing a single, very lucrative contract is only part of Kaspersky's problems now, though. As it turns out, FBI is (allegedly) contacting various private companies, trying to get them to resign from Kaspersky's services. FBI's argument is said to be a ”danger to national security”, which sounds like a very American thing, at least based on the movies. FBI did not say what danger precisely Kaspersky is. Security company itself denies any and all accusations. I even heard that Kaspersky offered FBI a look into its software's source code, which was supposed to prove that their software cannot be used for surveillance.

I really do not like Russians and should therefore be happy that one of their larger companies is having trouble. On the other hand, I am not sure whether or not this whole story is just some kind of swindle played by the US government. What do you think?

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