Facebook vs. illegal content, or FB hires 3000 new moderators

Dark clouds gather over Facebook. Hating is a large percentage of the portal's content; cyberbullying runs rampant; illicit posts and videos become way more popular than they should be; fake news, whatever they actually are, sow disinformation. Mark Zuckerberg, owner and one of the creators of Facebook seems to think thinks that enough is enough and decides to increase the number of Facebook moderators from 4500 to 7500.

It's hard to say if this increased manpower will help alleviate the situation. Perhaps it is just a subterfuge meant to make Zuckerberg's hands appear clean, „hey, I'm doing all I can here, guys”. Maybe it is the best course of action available to the social portal, as its content scanning algorithms are seemingly too crude to pick up an illicit content fast enough. I think that, at least for now, the best line of defense against unlawful, immoral and otherwise wrong content hitting Facebook are we, its users. All we have to do is to report any such post or video that we find. Don't share it with other people; just click that Report button. It's easy.

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