Superscreen, a $99, ten inches display for your phone

When you complain to people about how you like your smartphone, but wish it had a larger screen, most of them will tell you to get a tablet (well, I would tell you to stop crying and be happy with the First World privileges you have, but that's me). Problem is, tablet isn't your phone - it doesn't have your phone's apps, you can't use it to call or message people, etcetera. Superscreen, a new kickstarter project, wants to solve this issue. Their device is basically a 10' tablet that wirelessly syncs with your phone via an app; after the two are connected, everything that you do on your phone also appears on your Superscreen. Glorified large screen, you say? Well, yes, that is exacly what Superscreen does. If you want one, 99 bucks seems like a fair price. If not, your life won't end in shambles if you won't buy it. The kickstarter project has already passed its goals, and by a lot too, but you can still get in on it until April 19.

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